Archive for June, 2009|Monthly archive page

Diamonds in the Rough

Contributed by Randy Haydon

diamond-in-the-rough2When God brings someone to the saving knowledge of Christ, His work has only just begun in making them a glorious witness for His kingdom. For He calls only those who are covered with the blackness of sins and who have no inherent beauty. They are, so to speak, diamonds in the rough.

We know that for a new found diamond, it takes an expert to cut and polish it so that it shines forth with the sparkle of its reflected light. A similar process takes place for the new born Christians. God Himself is the master diamond cutter, as He painstakingly, through time, arranges all kinds of tribulations and trials to occur over the life of the new fledgling Christians.

These trials and tribulations are like what the gem master makes on the rough diamond. Each cut brings forth more beauty. Even so, the trials and tribulations with their cuts do His work. However, for the Christian these cuts continue throughout his lifetime, with each one making him conformed more to the image of Christ.

This phenomenon is wondrous to behold when one looks at someone who has walked, for a long time, deeply and continuously with his Savior Jesus Christ. Just as a diamond has many facets, so too has the life of such a person. Each of these facets reflect brilliantly the light shining forth from Jesus’ life. Oh may we all stand fast in this thought as we go through life’s trial and tribulation. This is my prayer for you, and your family.

In His love,

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